Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Under the Blue Arch

As I was watching TV on I came across a very interesting advertisement campaign for Chevrolet dealerships titled “Under the Blue Arch” referring to a blue arch that is part of the dealer ship. This ad campaign sparked my interest because it focuses mainly on the dealers that are working at the dealership rather than the actual cars.
In these Chevy commercials they use a blatant office type parody about the funny shenanigans of the staff. In fact, one of the first videos in the YouTube web series make reference to The Office, with the manager saying, after a Nerf “pre-work teamwork building exercise” fire fight, that there should be a TV show made about them. The rest of the team nodes and agrees with the manager basically sucking up, while one employee speaks up “I think they already have a lot of shows like that. I watch them on Thursday.” He is dismissed by his coworkers being told that he needs to be a team player. There is no mention of the cars being sold other than showing them as the staff plays around them as part of their “teambuilding exercise.”
Some of the other commercials are like this. It barely registers as a commercial and more like a quick sketch show. They do work information on the cars into most the commercial but it’s only a small piece like it is Truck Month and not going into detail about it.
This campaign caught my eye because of the tactics these advertisements are trying to sell cars with. Now it is not just about the product, it’s more about the people. But is this correct? Does focusing on the people the right way to sell these cars? Yes and no I say. Yes because times are tough in America, buying an American car means you are supporting you buds at the local Chevy dealer as well as the workers at the plant where it was made. That is honestly the first impression I got from this advertisement. That I would be helping out the cool funny people. On the other had it completely distracts from the purpose of buying a quality vehicle. The cars are not really fulfilling any need like products in other advertisements. They act more like props or set pieces used for exposition and are secondary to the actors. I think it confuses the point. But it does make for some fun and light hearted entertainment. They even have their own jingle that introduces each character.
In the end it is still clever and still did its job of marketing the company. It sparked my interest enough to check out the YouTube page Under the Blue Arch. Now I am aware that it is in fact Truck Month, and about some of the features that Chevy cars have to offer. And knowing is half the battle in anything Right?
Community Ken Burns
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Revised Senior Project Proposal
My first senior project, which was to create a science fiction film, has come to a screeching halt. Throughout the course of this process I have hit one obstacle after another. Creating the simple light saber props put me behind because of the lack of access to tools. I would not be able to implement a green screen idea I had for the studio because the lights were too orange. Over the spring break I failed to get even some of the basics shots due to the lack of actors and extras being present because of conflicting schedules or lack of interest. In addition the SSU-TV studio does not in fact possess a copy of After Effects, the software necessary to animate the light saber effect. Do to all of these reasons; I unfortunately do not believe that I will be able to complete my original proposal anymore. I submit this second proposal.
During this semester my senior seminar and public relations teachers have been doing their best to prepare me for the professional world, through anecdotes of their past experiences, as well as tips on what employers are looking for. This has given me a better view of what my strengths in communications are, and what I need to polish up on in order to put forth my best possible work. For this reason I believe that my time is better spent creating my own personal blog where I can express my opinions and views to the world at large on a variety of issues.
Throughout my college years I have come to understand myself better. I have a natural compulsion to stay informed about the goings on of the world and have a ravenous appetite for consuming all other forms of media. These are aspect of my personality I can harness to a more creative end with my senior project.
This will provide educational experiences such as managing my own online publication; improve upon my writing and grammar skills, as well as being able to express my own abstract notions and ideas about the media and modern culture. Through repetition and practice, I will develop my ideas and arguments, and better express and articulate concisely through writing.
In writing this blog, I will be better prepared to work in this field due to the fact it will give me an opportunity to consider the many different aspects relate to each specific topic. This will possibly give me an advantage in the professional world; much like the anecdote Calovita told the class in which a former student prevented his company from taking on a project that most likely would be a detriment to the organization through the use of a properly worded memo.
For the next month I plan on filling my blog with content about current issues related to the media as well as journaling about my experiences in the Communications Studies department at Sonoma State. I have many other projects that I am currently working on in school. I can update my blog about and explain in great detail. Reflecting upon what I have done, and what I could do better next time is a great learning experience. I am currently, this semester, writing for the Sonoma State Star, event planning for the First Annual Sonoma State Movie Festival, and planning a public relations campaign for the YMCA of Marin, among other things. The way I see it, history is made every day. Through media and digital documentation we are able to have a better record of that history. I can be a part of that.
How we are affected by media information and how it is coming at us are comprehensive questions that I hope to explore in the blog. The ability to take theses individual, small in the grand scheme, but significant instances and be able to study, and discuses them intellectually on an open format of a blog will further my educational experience and make me a more intellectually dynamic individual.
Short Film April 3rd
Today we began filming for our latest short movie. We went out to a jogging path by Spring Lake in Santa Rosa. It was really windy so we picked up a lot of white noise on the microphone. We are most likely going to have to scratch the audio in the editing process. Another problem we ran into the the surplus of people on the path. We had to do a lot of waiting for people to pass.
In the scene today we are establishing that the main character, played by Tommy Franich, has killed a cyclist, played by Derrick Carbiener, when he throws his beer bottle over his shoulder. He proceeds to hide the body under a tree and rides off with his victims bike.
Unfortunately there was also a hic-up with the bike which became completely unusable towards the end of filming. Now in order to get the shots that we need, we will have to return to the location at a different time to finish. Here is a pic of one of my group members trying to get the bike wheel unbent for the last scene of the day to no avail.
All in all we got most of the shots that we needed to get done and we only had to break four beer bottles in order to do that.