Thursday, May 3, 2012

Reddit: Front Page of the Internet

Reddit is known as the front page of the internet. Reddit possesses many hundreds if not thousands of lists, that link to sites across the internet.  There are many subreddits that exist for any subject you can think of, from news specific to a country, to (This was a real test I put it through) snuff (Google it if you do not know but beware). You can find anything that you are interested in. Simply type subject you are interested in, to go to that particular subreddit URL. It is a communal place where discussion and interaction takes place. Each list has specific rules to what you can and cannot post. The rules keep the conversations in line with the topic as well as prevent unauthorized advertisements, spam, and scams. The site is about substance and information. The only ads allowed are the ones the benefit the sight and keep it running. You can subscribe to specific reddits that you are interested in, which will then appear in the toolbar at the top of every page. You can edit this tool bar to allow easy and quick access. There is also the option of making a Reddit that does not exist.

When you log on to you are brought to the front page. Here the most recent and most up voted posts are displayed. The Reddit lists work on a thumb up thumb down fashion. The more it is voted up the higher it shows on the list. If you really don’t like something you can vote it down in an attempt to send it into internet oblivion.

 At the top of each Reddit there are several tabs. “Hot” shows the posts that are being talked about the most right now. “New” shows the most recent posts. “Controversial” is my favorite because it is where the combative and opposing arguments, that I find fascinating, takes place. It lists the posts that have the greatest ratio of up and down votes.

Here’s a great example.

 On the top of Reddit politics under controversial, the top post is about how Ron Paul and his delegate strategy is winning over caucus states. This post is not in favor of what is happening and so it speaks in very negative terms. Ron Paul has a huge following online, myself included, so there are plenty of people to push back against this as well as others that agree with the post. In the comment section an open and honest dialogue about the election and the Ron Paul revolution takes place that anyone can take part of by commenting. The great thing about Reddit is that the comments are also vote able. So if a person says something you agree with vote up, if not vote down. This is a great way to get a statistical glimpse at what people are thinking.

You can also access the site on your phone by downloading the app “Bacon Reader.”

If you want to post a picture to Reddit you must have an Imgur account. This is important to know. If the user wants to use Reddit to its fullest potential they will have to get at least two accounts, Imager and Reddit.

Reddit is an amazing tool to measure the zeight geist of the internet culture. If you want to hear about things first you go to Reddit. It is like intellectual democracy at its finest.  This is one of my favorite sites that I have reviewed because it is both informative and fun. The format allows for those to back the ideas that they agree with and oppose those that they disagree with.  It is through these types of social networking sites that that allows different aspect of society come together in one place.

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