Thursday, May 3, 2012


As Public Relations head of SSU-TV I wanted to, obviously, raise awareness about the station. The first project I gave myself was to create a new logo. This would, in the end, would increase our brand recognition and would be an improvement over the old logo we had.

               NEW                                                                                                 OLD

So to start out, I had people help me research logos. There are a lot of free logo generator sites online. That gave me an idea of what I wanted. From there I added some of my own ideas and designed a logo that, through symbols, explained what SSU-TV is all about. First is the record, for the filming process. Next we have rewind and fast-forward to symbolize the editing process. After that, the play symbol for viewing the finished product. And finally, 27 for the channel we broadcast on campus.

After the logo was created, I decided it would also be appropriate to have a catch phrase to go with it. Having taken the on campus radio station, KSUN, for two semesters, I knew that their catch phrase was, “Pretty Good.” I tried to stay in the same line of thought with it and came up with, “It’s Kind of Like That.” I thought it was pretty catchy and  there could be some good promos with it, both informative and humorous.

Making the logo and seeing it used on SSU-TV posters, networking sights, and other places, gives me a huge sense of accomplishment knowing I completed what I set out to do. I will advise Ed and the student leaders to use it as a letter head on all official documents next semester. With it I am leaving my mark on SSU-TV, until someone changes it, which of course is perfectly ok.
  I was hoping for it to look a little cleaner, but my graphic designer did not have a whole lot of experience. I will suggest to the future leadership that they should clean up the logo or create a better version if they can.

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